


The original statement given out by the official Prussian press service in regard to nudism was as follows:

"One of the greatest dangers for German culture and morality is the so-called nudity movement. Greatly as it is to be welcomed in the interest of the public health, that ever wider circles, especially of the metropolitan population, are striving to make the healing power of sun, air and water serviceable to their body, as greatly must the so-called nudity movement be disapproved of as a cultural error. Among women the nudity movement kills natural modesty: it takes from men their respect for women, and thereby destroys the prerequisite for any genuine culture. It is therefore expected of all police authorities that in support of the spiritual powers developed through the national movement, they take all police measures to destroy the so-called nude culture.

"Specifically, the following measure are ordered:

"1. The nudist societies are to be given the closest scrutiny.

"2. So far as bathing establishments or open land are placed at the disposal of the nudist societies for their purposes, it is for the owner of the establishment or land to work out without delay a means of breaking the contract. In case the use for the purposes of the nudity movement is expressly accorded in the contract, recourse may be had to paragraph 138, section 1, of the civil law, according to which business rights which offend good morals are invalid... So far as communities or community organizations have supported endeavors of the nudity movement through placing community baths at their disposal or in other ways, they are to point out that the bestowal of public means for the direct or indirect furthering of the nudity movement must cease under all circmstances.

"3. Enrollments, as well as exercise evenings and special appointments of the nudity societies are to be forbidden, since the fact that arrangements of this sort come within the knowledge of a considerable number of persons is to be looked upon as a danger for public order, and to ignore this will also frequently involve a danger for the public safety."

(Source: The Nudist, Vol. II, No. 6, September, 1933)

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