Title: Ten Days In A Nudist Camp
Genre: Nudist feature, black and white
Language: English
Country of Origin: France & U.S.A.
Format: VHS, NTSC
Location: Unspecified nudist camps in the USA, France and Germany
Narration: Edward Gallner
Film Editor: Ray Lewis
Director: Samuel Cummins
Music/Sound: The Maison Polydor Orchestra of Paris
Region: 1
No. of Discs: 1
Film Year: 1935/1952
VHS Release Year: 2007 by Something Weird Video
Running Time: 1:01:00
Product Code: SKU 4560
Entry No.: 2007064
Entry Date: 21st February 2008
Genre: Nudist feature, black and white
Language: English
Country of Origin: France & U.S.A.
Format: VHS, NTSC
Location: Unspecified nudist camps in the USA, France and Germany
Narration: Edward Gallner
Film Editor: Ray Lewis
Director: Samuel Cummins
Music/Sound: The Maison Polydor Orchestra of Paris
Region: 1
No. of Discs: 1
Film Year: 1935/1952
VHS Release Year: 2007 by Something Weird Video
Running Time: 1:01:00
Product Code: SKU 4560
Entry No.: 2007064
Entry Date: 21st February 2008
"Today we're experiencing a Back-To-Nature movement! Two decades before Garden of Eden opened the floodgates for the nudist camp films of the late fifties-early sixties, naked people ran amok on the big theater screen in a variety of roadshow nudist semi-documentaries like This Nude World (1932), Elysia (1933), The Nudists (1933), Nudist land (1937), The Unashamed (1938) and, yes, Ten days in a Nudist Camp.
This French-made nature epic compares nudist parks in America, France, and Germany... which is kind of a no-brainer since they're all essentially the same: "It is exercise and play from sun-up to sun-down!" And that, ladies and gentlemen, is pretty much also the plot. Be it naked tug-of-war, naked high kicks, naked leap frog, naked fiddle playing, naked crawling, or just plain naked lollygagging, no matter where we are on the globe, "any game is more fun when it's played without confining clothes! You betcha!
Actually, the only difference our naked eyes could see between the camp in the U.S. and those in Europe is that the U.S. camp "is called to life with a typical automobile siren."That and a patriotic naked man who raises the naked stars and stripes.
And just "who are these nudists? Well, they are the average city office worker who simply believes in the benefits derived from the sun!" Or the average city gal who casually hitchhikes down a country road to a nature camp somewhere in New York wearing more than a peek-a-boo bra and panties. (Yes, she does.) Otherwise, it's just lots and lots and lots of naked people doing non-sexual, utterly mundane activities in the raw and looking quite silly doing it.
See the unabashed pleasures of two naked glamour-girls boxing!
See a tree full of plump naked women!
See an audience of naked people watching a dance performance by gals wearing clothes! (Huh/!)
See a naked guy carefully walk across a naked tightrope... just inches off the naked ground!
See the naked "art classes" where naked people sit around drawing naked people!
And see much Communing with Nature! (Communing with Nature usually involves lots of naked wiggling, naked hand waving, and naked writhing about.)
Originally titled Deux Chez Les Nudistes when it was released in France, Ten Days in a Nudist Camp remained in madshow release for almost thirty years (!!!!!!) under such titles as Children of the Sun, Forbidden Since Adam and Eve, and French Nudists. Though the narration is credited to EDWARD GALLNER, there are clearly two narrators with two different vocal styles which leads one to suspect that naked footage has been added over the years. No complaints here.
François Pinky
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